As trivia experts here at Water Cooler Trivia, we know that sometimes you just need access to some excellent, random trivia questions. Maybe you're trying to challenge yourself, stump your friends, or even create a game of your own.
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To help you out, we've separated the list of 100 into 25 questions each at four various difficulty levels.
Triv on!
(Our data shows that these questions are answered correctly 90%+ of the time)
- What informal term for a rabbit is used for a gentle ski slope suitable for beginners?
Answer: Bunny
- The poverty-fighting agency Oxfam was founded in the relative comfort and safety of what guessable English university town?
Answer: Oxford
- What search engine makes changes to its logo, known as "doodles," to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and famous people, such as a pointillist version in honor of artist Georges Seurat?
Answer: Google
- Started in 1948 by Allen Funt, and running until 2014, the original hidden camera prank show was ______ Camera. Fill in the blank, an adjective meaning truthful, like a picture where the subject did not pose for the camera.
Answer: Candid Camera
- Relax, breathe, and tell me: a Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism shares what Z-word name with a state of calm attentiveness?
Answer: Zen
- In baseball shorthand, it's a strikeout. On the periodic table, it's potassium. In a text, it can be a quick response to, like, whatever. What's that letter?
Answer: K
- Made from a mix of mucus and concentrated melanin, what dark substance can be secreted as a defense mechanism by many cephalopods, including squid and octopus?
Answer: Ink
- Gala, Fuji, Honeycrisp, and McIntosh are all popular varieties of what fruit?
Answer: Apple
- If you slice a breakfast ball over the cabbage and get a fried egg in the bunker, you're not eating an eclectic brunch course. What sport are you playing and almost certainly not making a par?
Answer: Golf
- Ukraine shares land borders with two R-word countries: Russia and what vampire-heavy nation that's about an 18 hour drive from the capital of Italy?
Answer: Romania
- What sparkly word can either be used to describe a person looking to service your shoes at a train station or what you may be left with if you lose a fist fight fairly decisively?
Answer: Shiner
- You'll be amazed to learn that it started as a pliable, putty-like substance that could clean coal residue from wallpaper. As coal-based home heating abated, it pivoted to being what much-kneaded Hasbro kid's toy?
Answer: Play-Doh
- Founded in 1922 by a retired, uh, agricultural professional, what insurance company didn't adopt their "Like a Good Neighbor" slogan until 1971?
Answer: State Farm
- In majority Muslim countries, the Red Cross drops the "Cross" for what shape found next to the star on the Turkish flag or used in the name of Pillsbury's janky tubed version of croissants?
Answer: Crescent
- "Hawks" has been a term for pro-war politicos since the late 1700s. The Vietnam War and the Cuban Missile Crisis popularized what more olive-branchy bird name for anti-war advocates?
Answer: Doves
- Some of the more fun acronyms out there are SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus), CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), and what word that stands for radio detection and ranging?
Answer: RADAR
- To an MD, they are the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, the teres minor, and the subscapularis muscle. To lay people, these are the four muscles in your shoulder that make up the WHAT cuff?
Answer: Rotator
- Because they occur halfway between presidential election years, the 2022 U.S. House and Senate elections are commonly known by what name also used to refer to an important exam halfway through a college semester?
Answer: Midterms
- Since "pool" wasn't hoity-toity enough for the Big Apple in 1922, New York legally rebranded the sinful game with what word?
Answer: Billiards
- Famous blue jean maker Strauss, U.S. vice president Morton, and American cyclist Leipheimer all share which first name?
Answer: Levi
- The answer is under your desk: vandalism and littering led Singapore to ban the import and sale of which chewy confectionary in 1992?
Answer: Gum
- On December 1, 2021, Amy Schneider became the first openly transgender contestant to qualify for the Tournament of Champions on what classic TV quiz show?
Answer: Jeopardy!
- The mobile app development company Niantic struck gold in 2016 with what smash-hit smartphone game that captured tens of millions of players within days of its release? The game became a global phenomenon with players largely playing outdoors.
Answer: Pokemon Go
- In 1936, what popular food brand debuted its first Wienermobile, a 13-foot-long vehicle shaped like a giant hot dog on wheels, as a way to promote its products?
Answer: Oscar Mayer
- New York City's Magnolia Bakery experienced a surge in popularity after Carrie and Miranda visited for a snack on Season 3 of what HBO series?
Answer: Sex and the City
(Our data shows that these questions are answered correctly 65-90% of the time)
- Director Nick Cassavetes wanted someone "not handsome" for the male lead, which somehow led him to cast Ryan Gosling opposite Rachel McAdams in his 2004 rom-com, The WHAT"?
Answer: Notebook
- The Marcels, Elvis, Sinatra, and a bunch of others have sung about standing alone, without a dream in their heart, without a love of their own in their versions of what song about a rare, colorful celestial event?
Answer: Blue Moon
- Money back guaranteed if you don't like this question: What 3-letter network has made home shopping into a multi-billion dollar business? But wait, there's more! It's owned by Qurate Retail Group. HSN is its sister station. Lori Greiner is its "Queen." Operators standing by for your answer.
Answer: QVC
- Copenhagen, Aarhus, or Skagen are good places to visit to catch a glimpse of the red and white Dannebrog, which is the oldest continuously used national flag per Guinness World Records. What Nordic country does the Dannebrog symbolize?
Answer: Denmark
- Buckets, Too Tall, and Dazzle are some of the names listed on the roster of what internationally famous basketball team with over 27,000 wins?
Answer: Harlem Globetrotters
- From the Italian for "My Lady" and featured heavily in a Beatles song with children at her feet, what is the one-word name often given to Jesus' mother Mary?
Answer: Madonna
- You don't have to be Hercule Poirot to figure it out: Paris to Istanbul was the original route for what elegant train line that made its way into the titles of thrillers by Agatha Christie and Graham Greene?
Answer: Orient Express
- Before all the bachelorette parties took over, there was a picture perfect last minute play known as the Music City Miracle giving what city's NFL team a wild card playoff win over Buffalo in 2000?
Answer: Nashville
- Where do we go? Where do we go now? Where do we go? Ooh, oh, where do we go? No that's not the question. The real question: Guns N' Roses clearly have a thing for apostrophes as their only #1 single is what tot-titled ballad?
Answer: Sweet Child O' Mine
- The Presidential Fitness test, a national physical fitness testing program conducted in United States public middle and high schools from the late 1950s until 2013, contained six various exercises: curl-up, push-up, the sit-and-reach, the 30-foot "shuttle run," the one-mile endurance run, and what sixth discipline testing your biceps and lats?
Answer: Pullup
- They're usually shown only above the shoulders and they won't shut up. That's the explanation for what two-word term for cable news pundits?
Answer: Talking Heads
- It was kind of a small deal! The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922 was awarded to Niels Bohr "for his services in the investigation of the structure of ______ and of the radiation emanating from them."
Answer: Atoms
- Ralph Samuelson didn't know what he was doing when he took a pair of boards and a rope out on Lake Pepin in Minnesota in the summer of 1922. After a couple days of experimenting, he ended up inventing what recreational activity?
Answer: Waterskiing
- I will now ask you to have a think | And see if you can find the link | Sugar, Jameson, and cream | Add a steaming mug of caffeine | Now what is the name of the drink?
Answer: Irish Coffee
- Famous for being in the freshly murdered grip of Wild Bill Hickok, a dead man's hand in poker is a pair of eights and a pair of what high cards?
Answer: Aces
- A hazy-looking Claude Monet painting of a sunset spawned the name of what blurry 19th-century art movement that anagrams to PROMISES MINIS?
Answer: Impressionism
- No, not that Son of Sam: in June, it was announced that the Denver Broncos were going to be sold for the everyday low price of $4.65 billion to a group led by Arkansas-based retail chain chairman Rob...WHO?
Answer: Walton
- Two years after taking his horse to the top of the charts with Billy Ray Cyrus, in 2021 what normal-sized rapper dropped his namesake debut album "Montero"?
Answer: Lil Nas X
- "Brown Eyed L.A. Woman" and "Light My Moondance" are mash-ups of classic rock song titles featuring vocals by two very different dudes that share what M-word surname?
Answer: Morrison
- Talk about a reformer! What word is the last name of 20th century German physical trainer Joseph, who invented (and named after himself!) a type of mind-body exercise that requires core stability?
Answer: Pilates
- According to the National Gardening Association, far and away the most common food grown in home gardens is what Caprese salad ingredient?
Answer: Tomatoes
- What chart-topping male singer describes his stage name as a combination of his childhood nickname and the missing word from the following explanation? "I didn't have [any] pizzazz, and a lot of girls say I'm out of this world, so I was like I guess I'm from ______."
Answer: Bruno Mars
- Pencil "lead" is typically not lead at all, but a mineral named graphite which is considered one of the most stable forms of what element?
Answer: Carbon
- Do you like scary paintings (apologies Wes Craven): Edvard Munch's most famous work is what painting with a gape-mouthed dude on a pier?
Answer: The Scream
- We reckon that Michelle Obama would have something to say about it! But which First Lady, in office during the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis, is known as being the gold standard for White House fashion?
Answer: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
(Our data shows that these questions are answered correctly 35-65% of the time)
- It makes sense with all the surfing: a super simple online database is known by what four-letter Hawaiian word for speedy?
Answer: Wiki
- After she became Princess of Monaco in 1956, she used the bag to hide her growing belly while pregnant with her first child, Princess Caroline. That's the origin of the name of an Hermes bag named for what former actress?
Answer: Grace Kelly
- Abbreviated LHC, what is the three-word name of the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider located on the France-Switzerland border that began its third run in 2022 after taking a four-year hiatus for improvement upgrades? (No pressure but the first time around, it proved the existence of the God Particle!)
Answer: Large Hadron Collider
- In 2006, Canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald achieved internet fame for a series of trades that saw him finish with a two-bedroom house. His trading journey had started the previous year with what small object, which was a symbol of Norwegian resistance during WWII?
Answer: Paper Clip
- On a search engine, adding the words AND/OR/NOT to limit, broaden or define a search is known as what sort of search?
Answer: Boolean
- What two-word soccer term is used to describe when a goalkeeper and their defense is able to prevent the other team from scoring the entire match? Around the house, you may hear this term after someone has laundered the bed linens.
Answer: Clean Sheet
- Dr. Gregory House said he read it once but wasn't impressed. Apollo, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea are name-dropped in the first line of what historical text that a ton of med schools literally swear by?
Answer: Hippocratic Oath
- Rather than letting his career live and let die with the Beatles, what was the name of the high-flying "Band On The Run" Paul McCartney formed with his wife Linda in 1971?
Answer: Wings
- Wake up people! Brush up on your oneirology to know that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna have a five year-old daughter named WHAT Kardashian?
Answer: Dream
- "Meet me at the Mollusk, it's goin' down." So rapped Yung Joc, maybe about what kind of cephalopod you might order as Tako in a sushi restaurant?
Answer: Octopus
- Originally sold with the tagline of "Every Man a Rembrandt," what product was invented by Dan Robbins and first sold in the 1950s?
Answer: Paint by Numbers
- Keep your voice down! The first person in American history to lead the Federal Reserve, the White House Council of Economic Advisers, and (currently) the Department of the Treasury is Janet WHO?
Answer: Yellen
- In the 2005 remake of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" starring Johnny Depp, the clandestine candy creator's father worked in what occupation? Hint: some may call the occupation ironic, some may call it coincidental.
Answer: Dentist
- What is the common name for the avian species Haliaeetus leucocephalus? Though the common name contains a misnomer, this bird remains one of the most famous in the world's largest economy.
Answer: Bald Eagle
- A staple of baking known for its malleability and thickness, what almond-based confection is commonly used in decorative cake competitions to create figurines or other complex designs?
Answer: Marzipan
- What word could mean any of the following things? A de-pluralized children's book set in Texas, a band featuring Courtney Love, or a segment of a golf course.
Answer: Hole
- What famous filmmaker behind "Patton" and "The Godfather" received his middle name because of the car company that sponsored the radio show where his father worked?
Answer: Francis Ford Coppola
- By watching a wasp in the 1700s, French scientist Rene de Reaumur conceived the idea to make what critical item out of wood? Wood pulp was not used at an industrial scale for this item until 100 years after this entomologist's insight.
Answer: Paper
- What well-known artist famously severed part of Vincent Van Gogh's left ear? Note: although there has been speculation in recent years that it was *actually* Paul Gauguin, we are going to stick with the most commonly-accepted perpetrator by art historians.
Answer: Vincent Van Gogh
- It's common for cruise ship companies to name their vessels by some common set of rules. What cruise line operates ships that end with "of the Seas," including Symphony of the Seas?
Answer: Royal Caribbean
- During the airing of the final episode of Seinfeld, a famous singer died. Legend has it that his ambulance made record time because of the empty Los Angeles streets caused by Seinfeld's conclusion. Who was this iconic crooner who scored his first number one hit in 1940?
Answer: Frank Sinatra
- Technically translating directly as "candy from milk," what is the name of the confection from Latin America prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a brown substance which is used as a dessert or topping?
Answer: Dulce de Leche
- There are 11 countries in the world whose American names begin with the letter "A." Only two of these countries do not end with the letter "A." Name both of them.
Answer: Azerbaijan and Afghanistan
- Although Woodrow Wilson was essential to its creation, the United States never ratified or joined what United Nations predecessor in existence between World War I and World War II?
Answer: The League of Nations
- What word, which is shared with a part of the human body, is the name for the edible fruit produced by rose plants?
Answer: Hips
(Our data shows that these questions are answered correctly less than 35% of the time)
- During World War II, New Zealander Charles Upham twice earned the highest military award available to Commonwealth citizens. Namely, what regal bling that's equivalent to the American Medal of Honor?
Answer: Victoria Cross
- According to the National Center for Health Statistics which month saw the most births in the U.S. in 2021? (Hint: It has 31 days)
Answer: August
- According to a 2019 ranking by CNN, the two most famous paintings in the world were both painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Don't overcomplicate it, and just tell us what Italian "V" city he hailed from.
Answer: Vinci
- February, don't put that in your mouth!! According to Social Security data from 2021, what was the most popular baby name that shares a name with one of the 12 months of the year?
Answer: August
- Of the ten U.S. newspapers with the highest daily circulation, only two are headquartered in the Midwest. One is the Chicago Tribune, located in Illinois. In which U.S. State would you find the other popular paper?
Answer: Minnesota
- Since a skeleton can't just tell you how old they are, a pretty reliable indicator of a corpse's age are what upper torso bones that are among the last to completely fuse?
Answer: Clavicle
- Harvard alumni have won the most of what mathematical prize, awarded to mathematicians under 40 every four years at the International Congress of the International Mathematical Union?
Answer: Fields Medal
- When reading the King James version of the Bible, the last word of the Book of Genesis is the name of what Middle Eastern country?
Answer: Egypt
- What American architect was named "the most important architect of our age" by Vanity Fair in 2010 and designed buildings such as the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle and Dancing House in Prague?
Answer: Frank Gehry
- Featheries and gutties are early versions of the ball used in which sport? Under modern rules, the balls used in this sport may weigh no more than 1.620 oz (45.93 g).
Answer: Golf
- There's a town in the Peloponnese region of Greece with a namesake food item known for its purple color and smooth meaty texture. What is this fruit?
Answer: Kalamata Olive
- The Alto computer released in 1973 was the first to feature a GUI (graphical user interface). Although Apple's far more successful Macintosh system brought the GUI to wider acclaim, what was the company that released the Alto?
Answer: Xerox
- The Sun is (of course) the closest star to Earth. What star is the next closest? It's slightly closer than the similarly-named Alpha Centauri A.
Answer: Proxima Centauri
- What word is missing from the following medical fact from the 19th century? ______ was originally marketed as a cough suppressant in 1898 as it was not believed to be addictive. This was quickly realized not to be true as it readily breaks down into morphine in the body. Morphine was already known to be addictive.
Answer: Heroin
- Although he was not able to speak English fluently until his mid-twenties, this Polish-British writer is often considered one of the great masters of the English language. He helped popularize the concept of an anti-hero, frequently featured nautical settings, and wrote both "The Secret Agent," "The Secret Sharer," and "The Heart of Darkness." Who is this author?
Answer: Joseph Conrad
- What 13-letter German loanword means a novel that focuses on the psychological and personal growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood?
Answer: Bildungsroman
- The term "magic bullet" was coined by German scientist Paul Ehrlich to describe a compound that would kill only a specifically targeted organism. Ehrlich even invented the "first magic bullet" with Salvarsan, which was used to treat which disease?
Answer: Syphillis
- It's most commonly known today as a "hashtag" or "pound sign," but what is the technical "O" term for this widespread symbol?
Answer: Octothorpe
- A Belgian tennis player who won the U.S. Open Tennis Championships three times and an actress and singer won the 1998 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress share which three letter first name?
Answer: Kim
- Frank Wisner, the owner of Colorado's Cripple Creek Brewing, invented a dessert in 1893 after being inspired by the nearby snowy peaks. He named this two-item combo "the black cow." Today it is better known by what name?
Answer: Root Beer Float
- Popularized by modern Olympic founder, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, is what summer Olympic event designed to to simulate the experience of a 19th-century cavalry soldier behind enemy lines: he must ride an unfamiliar horse, fight enemies with pistol and sword, swim, and run to return to his own soldiers?
Answer: Modern Pentathlon
- On November 19 each year, the United Nations officially observes an international day meant to inspire action to tackle the global sanitation crisis. The common name of this observance is World ______ Day. What word fills in the blank?
Answer: Toilet
- The typeface (font) used by the London Underground transit system was designed by Edward Johnston, the man who is typically considered the modern father of what visual art related to writing?
Answer: Calligraphy
- Only one Beatles song that reached the number one spot on the charts in the U.S. was named after a real place. What is this place?
Answer: Penny Lane
- Solar energy inventor and pioneer Frank Shuman wrote the following in the New York Times in what decade? "We have proved ... that after our stores of oil and coal are exhausted the human race can receive unlimited power from the rays of the Sun."
Answer: 1910s
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About the Author
Eli Robinson is the Chief Trivia Officer at Water Cooler Trivia. He was once in a Bruce Springsteen cover band called F Street Band.