162 Nerdy Trivia Questions (Ranked From Easiest to Hardest)

Updated Date:
January 4, 2024
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Nerdy trivia questions are always a fun way to challenge your knowledge of specific topics.

Whether you’re a tech-savvy whiz or an avid movie buff, these 162 nerdy trivia questions will put your skills to the test.

Straight off the bat, here is a warm-up question to clear any brain fog:

Question: A buckyball is a stable and spherical molecule made up of what element?

Answer: Carbon

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162 Nerdy Trivia Questions Ranked From Easiest to Hardest (Updated For 2024)

  1. According to the musical based on his adventures, which Nickelodeon cartoon is not just any kind of absorbent, multicellular, deep-sea organism, but specifically, Aplysina fistularis?

    Answer: SpongeBob Squarepants

  2. Which appealing yellow fruit is slightly radioactive due to its high potassium content?

    Answer: Banana

  3. Even though James Bond and Liz Taylor got it wrong when they said it’s forever, which substance is still the hardest to naturally occur on Earth?

    Answer: Diamond

  4. What is the only number that has the same number of letters as its meaning?

    Answer: Four

  5. Obelus is the name for the mathematical symbol that has a horizontal line with a dot above and a dot below it. Which arithmetic operation is the sign used for?

    Answer: Division

  6. The quadriceps is, as the name suggests, a group of four prevailing mus les including the rectus femoris. This group of muscles covers the front and sides of what leg bone?

    Answer: Femur

  7. What “P” simple machine is a wheel that carries a flexible rope, cord, or cable on its rim? It can be used to transmit energy and motion, often for lifting weights.

    Answer: Pulley

  8. What geometric theorem allows for the calculation of the square of a hypotenuse of a triangle, by combining the squares of the two other sides? It gets its name from an ancient Greek philosopher.

    Answer: Pythagorean Theorem

  9. On Earth, the recipe for them is water and light. If you were on another planet with a different atmosphere, what colorful post-precipitation meteorological phenomenon would you be less likely to see?

    Answer: Rainbow

  10. In a 2017 survey by Hasbro, the Scottie Dog beat the T-Rex and the Hat to claim the title of most popular playing token in what board game?

    Answer: Monopoly

  11. Although the exact origin is unknown, this piece of technology and calculating tool used beans or stones moved in grooves of sand to perform calculations. Although computers have mostly replaced it, this tool is still in use for teaching arithmetic to children in many parts of the world. What is it?

    Answer: Abacus

  12. A meme expressing nerdy surprise features a teenage girl saying “Ermahgerd” while holding books from what children’s horror franchise?

    Answer: Goosebumps

  13. "No" is the negative-sounding chemical symbol that represents an element that was first produced in the US in 1958. The element is named after a man who more famously lent his name to a series of prizes. With a single guess, name either the man or the element.

    Answer: Nobelium (Alfred Nobel)

  14. Also part of cow farts, what simple hydrocarbon, chemical formula CH4, is the primary component of natural gas?

    Answer: Methane

  15. The Mobius strip was the inspiration for a universal symbol first created in 1970 and composed of 3 arrows in a roughly triangular shape. This symbol stands for what action?

    Answer: Recycling

  16. Which 2007 nerdy teen comedy starred Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Emma Stone, and Christoper Mintz-Plasse (as “McLovin’”)?

    Answer: Superbad

  17. Turtles, toads, and tarantulas are all ectothermic animals, which is typically referred to by what more common term?

    Answer: Cold blooded

  18. What science word technically means the amount of matter? Near the surface of Earth it's basically equivalent with weight.

    Answer: Mass

  19. What scientific instrument measures air pressure in units known as 'atmospheres?'

    Answer: Barometer

  20. You have a cube with has 7-inch sides. What is the surface area of the cube?

    Answer: 294 square inches

  21. What “i” word describes a whole number that is not a fraction?

    Answer: Integer

  22. In January 2021, phrases like “$GME,” “To the moon,” and “Stonks” became part of normal American parlance as which nerdy retail company’s share price skyrocketed unexpectedly?

    Answer: GameStop

  23. Theoretically, Hawking radiation is emitted by what terrifying space things that come in stellar and supermassive varieties?

    Answer: Black Holes

  24. What zodiac constellation found in the northern celestial hemisphere has a name which means "twins" in Latin? It is associated with the twins Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology.

    Answer: Gemini

  25. Which is the only planet in our solar system whose rotation is almost at a right angle to its orbit (i.e., it spins on its side)? The largest moon of this planet is Titania.

    Answer: Uranus

  26. Eight friends from a Chicago-area high school used a Kickstarter in 2011 to create what popular party game whose black-and-white cards feature politically incorrect fill-in-the-blanks?

    Answer: Cards Against Humanity

  27. Although the word is often used in popular culture to reference a specific film franchise, technically the definition of a certain math term is "a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns." What is this term?

    Answer: Matrix

  28. When playing Dungeons & Dragons, what is the name of the role played by the game organizer who controls all aspects of the game, including the story telling, except for the other player's actions?

    Answer: gamesmaster

  29. What type of chemical bond is formed when two atoms each contribute one electron to a shared pair?

    Answer: Covalent bond

  30. There was a boom in sales of frill-necked lizards as domesticated pets after the release of what 1993 film featuring a similar, very extinct critter?

    Answer: Jurassic Park

  31. Often associated with horses but also used as an anesthetic on many types of animals, what drug is often nicknamed as "Special K"?

    Answer: Ketamin

  32. Amethyst and citrine are extra-pretty varieties of what common mineral that's great for Scrabble?

    Answer: Quartz

  33. The "main-sequence" stage of what type of large, hot object comes from the balance of gravity and nuclear reactions? Fun fact: main-sequence stages can last millions or billions of years.

    Answer: Stars

  34. Iodine and Europium are two of the three chemical elements whose names start with 2 vowels. First identified in the 1950s, the third element to fit that category is named after what science guy?

    Answer: Albert Einstein

  35. Titan is one of the few moons in the solar system known to have an atmosphere of any substance. Around which second-largest planet does Titan revolve?

    Answer: Saturn

  36. Which organ in the human body is the only one that can float in water (not that it would help if you’re drowning)?

    Answer: Lungs

  37. In the 1500s, a Welsh mathematician named Robert Recorde invented which mathematical symbol to “avoid to avoid the tedious repetition of these words: "is equal to’?”

    Answer: Equal sign

  38. -459.67 Fahrenheit degrees (or 0 Kelvin) equals what two-word term for when all particles completely stop moving?

    Answer: Absolute Zero

  39. What is the acronym for the correct sequence of steps to follow when using the order of operations for a math expression?

    Answer: PEMDAS

  40. The most abundant sulfide mineral is pyrite. But this mineral's lustrous appearance is more commonly known by what two-word phrase?

    Answer: Fool's gold

  41. Now displayed in Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, 90 percent of the fossils from what massive theropod dinosaur was unearthed in South Dakota in 1990 and was nicknamed “Sue” after it was discovered by paleontologist Susan Hendrickson?

    Answer: Tyrannosaurus Rex

  42. What is the two-word phrase for the set of ideas that suggest the universe is not made up of points, but rather tiny vibrating lengths? Note: cheese is not involved at all.

    Answer: String theory

  43. Ohm's law of electricity, expressed as "V = IR," states that voltage is directly proportional to current, represented by I, and what quantity represented by the letter R?

    Answer: Resistance

  44. In mathematical physics, Minkowski space is a four-dimensional space consisting of three-dimensional Euclidean space and which other quantity?

    Answer: Time

  45. New Zealand famously has the highest density of sheep per unit area in the world. What was the name of the sheep who was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell?

    Answer: Dolly

  46. Used to indicate a measurement of medicine, what does the abbreviation “cc” stand for?

    Answer: Cubic centimeter

  47. Gustatory cells are primarily found on what sensory organ of the body?

    Answer: Tongue

  48. In geometry, what S-adjective describes a triangle whose three sides all have different lengths?

    Answer: scalene

  49. According to a popular theory, dinosaurs got wiped out by the Chicxulub crater impact in what back-half-of-the-alphabet Mexican peninsula?

    Answer: Yucatán

  50. Though Thomas Edison primarily used carbon filaments, most incandescent light bulbs today are made with filaments of what element, whose atomic symbol is a W for its alternate name, "wolfram"?

    Answer: Tungsten

  51. Which two organs are connected by the only veins that carry oxygenated blood in the body?

    Answer: Lungs and Heart

  52. Mycologists often spend a lot of time digging through dirt as they study what type of natural organism?

    Answer: Fungi

  53. What unit, equivalent to approximately 3.26 light years, has a name derived from a portmanteau of “parallax in one second?”

    Answer: Parsec

  54. One novel way to retain thermal energy collected by a solar tower is through a mixture of sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and calcium nitrate. This method is often referred to as "molten ______." What dinner table-sounding word fills in the blank?

    Answer: Salt

  55. A planned NASA mission will be the first to land astronauts on the moon since the Apollo program, including the first woman. This program is named, appropriately enough, for what sister of Apollo?

    Answer: Artemis

  56. Acceleration is the change in an object's velocity with respect to time. The change of an object's acceleration with respect to time is called what, a name it shares with some chicken dishes, and some inconsiderate people?

    Answer: Jerk

  57. What mathematical function can be defined as multiplying a number with all integers less than or equal to that number?

    Answer: Factorial

  58. A gigaannum is a term that represents a very long time. One billion years in fact. About 3.5 gigaannumms ago was when what critical process used to convert light energy into chemical energy is estimated to have begun?

    Answer: Photosynthesis

  59. Which of the four standard bases in DNA typically pairs with thymine?

    Answer: Adenine

  60. In trigonometry, the cosecant ratio is the reciprocal of what other ratio often associated with waves?

    Answer: Sine

  61. Linux uses all the letters of what operating system family that it was designed to imitate?

    Answer: Unix

  62. It is likely that the first of these animals was the "Stellar" variety in which the male has a pronounced mane and is a fairly aggressive carnivore. This likely led to the misnomer for the creature. What is the name of these pinnipeds long foreflippers, the ability to walk on all fours, and a big chest and belly? They range from subarctic to tropical waters in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

    Answer: Sea lion

  63. In DNA, the four nucleotide bases are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine; in RNA, what base replaces thymine?

    Answer: Uracil

  64. What is the type of number expressed as a pair of a real and an imaginary number? An example would be 3 + 6i where i = the square root of -1.

    Answer: Complex number

  65. A box and ______ plot shows data in quartiles, with a vertical line splitting the box at the median. (Hint: The name makes it sound like something a math-savvy cat would use).

    Answer: Whisker

  66. Which I-word applies to atoms of the same element that have the same atomic number but different mass numbers?

    Answer: Isotope

  67. A teaspoon of what “N” type of star would weigh six billion tons? It is the collapsed core of a massive supergiant star.

    Answer: Neutron Star

  68. A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors, apart from the number itself. What is the smallest perfect number?

    Answer: Six

  69. In geometry, a curve known as a "lemniscate" most closely approximates the shape of what single-digit number?

    Answer: eight

  70. A regular hexagon has a side length of 6 feet. What is the area of the hexagon? We'll accept responses within 2 square feet of the correct answer.

    Answer: 92

  71. In a controversy that lasts to this day, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz both claim to have developed what mathematical discipline?

    Answer: Calculus

  72. The direct conversion of sunlight into electricity started in 1954, via solar cells using silicon. These cells are alternatively referred to by what longer "P" name?

    Answer: Photovoltaic cells

  73. What is the four-letter name for the jelly-like substance obtained from red algae that is often used as a solid growth medium in Petri dishes to culture microorganisms?

    Answer: Agar

  74. The lightest of the noble gases, which element is the second most abundant in the universe? The most common use of this element is in cryogenics. SCRAPPING DUE TO A WORDING ERROR IN ORIGINAL VERSION

    Answer: Helium

  75. A buckyball is a stable and spherical molecule made up of what element?

    Answer: Carbon

  76. In geometry, which C-term refers to two objects that are the same shape and size—in other words, you could superimpose one on the other and they’d line up exactly or be the mirror image of one another?

    Answer: Congruence

  77. What is the smallest number greater than 1 that has an integer square root and an integer cube root?

    Answer: 64

  78. The smallest known owl is only 5-6 inches tall and weighs less than two ounces. It has a name reminiscent of Middle Earth or Will Ferrell. What is this owl?

    Answer: Elf Owl

  79. Engineer Gilbert Levin insisted that a Viking Lander discovered life on what planet in 1976?

    Answer: Mars

  80. What 16th-century Italian physician and botanist with a “G” last name created the first recorded herbarium in the world, as well as the first botanical garden in Europe?

    Answer: Luca Ghini

  81. What “B” term refers to a line that divides an angle into two equal angles?

    Answer: Bisector

  82. What city in southern France's Languedoc area is the namesake of a tile-placement game in which players can turn their "meeple" into monks, knights, robbers, and farmers?

    Answer: Carcassonne

  83. Which popular board game has an apologetic name taken from the card you might draw that would let you send another player back to the start?

    Answer: Sorry

  84. What 1954 board game, known for encouraging players to make and betray alliances, was reportedly the favorite of both John F. Kennedy and Henry Kissinger?

    Answer: Diplomacy

  85. Tabletop role playing games often require a set of dice with different numbers of sides. How many sides are on the die mathematicians would identify as a "dodecahedron?"

    Answer: Twelve

  86. In 1993, Milton Bradley released a murderous board game where players attempt to off one another in pursuit of an old woman’s estate. What was the vaguely Hitchcockian name of the game? (Hint: Players are also trying to outrun a detective waiting outside the mansion, and the number of steps it’ll take them to get to the door is part of the game’s name).

    Answer: 13 Dead End Drive

  87. "Everyone is a fan of something!" is a slogan for what pop culture collectibles company? The company's Pop! line of figurines includes thousands of items, ranging from Prince Harry to the Pillsbury Doughboy to Baby Yoda and everything in between.

    Answer: Funko

  88. Like a more family-friendly version of Cards Against Humanity, what popular and "fruity" 1999 board game involves judges taking turns deciding which red cards, which have nouns, best match a green card with an adjective?

    Answer: Apples to Apples

  89. With a name that refers to Arthurian legend, what subsidiary of Hasbro produces strategy games like HeroQuest and Axis & Allies?

    Answer: Avalon Hill

  90. In the classic children’s board game, you roll the dice to find out if you’ll be able to climb a ladder or be doomed to slide down which slithering creature?

    Answer: Snakes

  91. Scoring points by rolling five dice is the goal of which game by Milton Bradley? (Hint: The name is also what you call getting a roll where all five dice are the same—it’s worth 50 points!).

    Answer: Yahtzee

  92. Which Parker Brothers party game frazzles teams as they try to list as many things in a certain category as they can before time runs out?

    Answer: Scattergories

  93. What two resources, along with wool, grain, and lumber, make up the five resources in the game Settlers of Catan?

    Answer: Brick and Ore

  94. The popular board game Blokus includes Tetris-like pieces in four bright colors: Red, yellow, blue, and what color that you can make from a combination of two of the others?

    Answer: Green

  95. What American publishing company is responsible for Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, as well as the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game franchise?

    Answer: Wizards of the Coast

  96. What TWO letters are worth the maximum ten points in a regulation Scrabble bag?

    Answer: Q, Z

  97. The Emu and the Laughing Kookaburra are two cards added in the Oceania Expansion to what best-selling board game designed by Elizabeth Hargrave?

    Answer: Wingspan

  98. Which “truth or dare” inspired board game was a big hit with teen females in the ‘90s (unless you spent the game sporting a zit sticker)?

    Answer: Girl Talk

  99. Intrigue, Dark Ages, Renaissance, and Seaside are all expansions for what award-winning deck-building game?

    Answer: Dominion

  100. The legendary 2007 player-placement game "Agricola" gets its name from the Latin word for what time-honored profession?

    Answer: Farmer

  101. A British scientist gave his name to what familiar four-by-four square, used to illustrate the probability that the offspring of two individuals will have a given genotype?

    Answer: Punnett Square

  102. What do you call the longest side of a right triangle (that is, the side that’s opposite the right angle)?

    Answer: Hypotenuse

  103. What prestigious medical journal founded in 1823, gets its name from a type of window as well as another term for a scalpel?

    Answer: The Lancet

  104. The total amount of greenhouse gas emissions created by human activity is better known by what two-word term which originated from a concept conceived by environmentalists William E. Rees and Dr. Mathis Wackernagel during the 1990s?

    Answer: Carbon footprint

  105. Prior to Hayley Arceneaux’s 2021 flight on SpaceX's Inspiration4 mission, who was the youngest American astronaut to fly into space at 32 years old – who also became the first American woman to fly into space in 1983?

    Answer: Sally Ride

  106. If you dip a paper towel in water, the water will climb up the towel, appearing to ignore gravity. This is an example of ______ action. The same action is what helps plants pull water up their roots. What C-word fills in the blank?

    Answer: Capillary

  107. What colorful word is used to describe a special ratio (approximately equal to 1.618) that appears frequently in architecture, nature, and geometry? The number was the subject of Mario Livio's book, subtitled "The World's Most Astonishing Number."

    Answer: Golden

  108. USGS is a bureau within the US Department of the Interior with the motto "science for a changing world." What do the initials of this organization stand for? The group is headquartered in Reston, Virginia and is a fact-finding organization with no regulatory responsibility.

    Answer: United States Geological Survey

  109. Mathematician Leonard Euler solved a famous problem named for seven of what kind of structures in the city of Konigsberg?

    Answer: Bridges

  110. In a feat of inter-species biotechnology, researchers at the University of Wyoming were able to insert the silk-producing gene from spiders into what mammal which enabled them to harvest long strands of spider milk from the animal's milk?

    Answer: Goats

  111. The first 3-digit number in the Fibonacci sequence is also the largest square number to appear in the sequence - what is it?

    Answer: 144

  112. What is the "R" name for DNA created by combining fragments from different sources? These are occasionally referred to as "chimeric" DNA and are considered a key feature in much of DNA biotechnology applications.

    Answer: Recombinant DNA

  113. There are three basic shapes of bacteria: round, called "coccus," spiral, called "spirilla," and cylindrical, whose technical name is what B-word?

    Answer: Bacillus

  114. What is the sum of the only number that is spelled with its letters in alphabetical order and the only number that is spelled with its letters in reverse alphabetical order?

    Answer: 41

  115. Commonly found on live oaks and bald-cypresses, what is the name of the flowering plant with a doubly-inaccurate name that is referred to as "grandpas beard" in French Polynesia and is generally considered to be in a commensalistic relationship with the trees on which it lives?

    Answer: Spanish moss

  116. Symbolized as “PW," 1000 terawatts is equivalent to one of what unit of measurement commonly used to measure the potency of solar electricity?

    Answer: Petawatt

  117. What math-y word is considered a foundational working tool in calculus and can be geometrically interpreted as the slope of the curve of a mathematical function?

    Answer: Derivative

  118. What is the most common name for the geometric term which is the part of a straight line that originates at one point on the line and extends in one direction indefinitely from that point?

    Answer: Ray

  119. The four conic sections are the nondegenerate curves generated by the intersections of a plane with one or two nappes of a cone. A hyperbola is a conic section. An ellipse is a conic section. And some consider a circle a conic section. What conic section is missing from this list?

    Answer: Parabola

  120. The James Webb Space Telescope, launched by NASA in 2022, observes deep space objects using what form of electromagnetic radiation, which has wavelengths longer than those of visible light?

    Answer: Infrared

  121. Group 17 on the periodic table of elements, which includes fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine, are also commonly referred to by what term, which comes from Greek roots meaning "salt-producing?"

    Answer: Halogens

  122. What is the (quite fun to say or spell) name for an infection disease caused by an agent that has jumped from a non-human animal to a human?

    Answer: Zoonosis

  123. Which type of elementary particle that carries a fractional electronic charge shares its name with a dairy product made by warming sour milk?

    Answer: Quark

  124. At only one-half of one millimeter long, tardigrades are considered a microanimal found in marine environments that also happen to be one of the most resilient animals known. What is the more common two-word name for these animals based on their resemblance to a certain land-bound animal?

    Answer: Water bear (or moss piglet)

  125. Silver iodide is a favorite "seeding agent" that is used in meteorological professions largely because it has a crystalline structure very similar to a natural ice crystal. What are the everyday objects that silver iodide is used to "seed"?

    Answer: Clouds

  126. According to a famous theorem, one of the first to be proven by computation, no more than how many colors are needed to color the regions of any map so that no two adjacent regions share the same color?

    Answer: Four

  127. In what year did the Manhattan project start? We'll accept responses within one year of the correct answer. As a reminder, this is the project that led to the development of the atomic bomb.

    Answer: 1939 (1938 - 40 accepted)

  128. Rotational symmetry is the property in which a shape looks the same after a partial rotation or turn. When applied to biology such as in sea anemones, what other "R" term is used to describe this characteristic?

    Answer: Radial symmetry

  129. Earth is the densest planet in the solar system. Which of the giant planets of the solar system is its least dense planet?

    Answer: Saturn

  130. Because it is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava, it's often known as magmatic rock. But it has a more common name as well. What is it?

    Answer: igneous rock

  131. A Type II error in statistics is a failure to reject a false null hypothesis in a test procedure. What is the two-word phrase by which type II error's are more popularly known in day-to-day vernacular?

    Answer: False negative

  132. Two consecutive elements on the periodic table have the same atomic number as the number of letters in their English names. What are they? We need the names of both.

    Answer: Boron (5) and Carbon (6)

  133. Microbiology has many branches including virology (studies viruses), parasitology (studies parasites), and nematology (you guessed it -- studies nematodes). What is the more common compound-word name for a nematode?

    Answer: Roundworm

  134. Also NPR's Puzzlemaster since 1987, who has served as crossword editor of the New York Times since 1993?

    Answer: Will Shortz

  135. What biome is also known as the boreal forest or snow forest? The biome is identifiable through its coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches. Although sparsely populated compared to other biomes, it is the world's largest apart from the oceans. In North America it covers most of inland Canada and Alaska.

    Answer: Taiga

  136. What is the "T" name given to fossils that consist not of animal body parts but rather their footprints, nests, poop, and other associated objects?

    Answer: Trace fossils

  137. Beginning nearly 12,000 years ago (after the last glacial period), what is the name of the current geological epoch? It's also the name of a song on Bon Iver's self-titled 2011 album.

    Answer: Holocene

  138. Talc is a one and Diamond is a ten on what qualitative scale that uses “scratching” to discern differences between minerals?

    Answer: Mohs Scale of Hardness

  139. German mathematician Felix Klein was the first to describe the object seen here, a "non-orientable" surface that, despite appearances, has only one side. This object is usually referred to as a Klein ____, where the blank is filled with what kind of common household object?

    Answer: Bottle

  140. In chemistry, what 10-letter A-word means the adhesion of atoms or molecules from a gas or liquid to a surface, creating a thin film on the surface?

    Answer: Adsorption

  141. Which element (number 100 on the periodic table) is the only one named after an Italian?

    Answer: Fermium

  142. Although at least 500 naturally-occurring amino acids are known, a much smaller subset are considered the "essential" amino acids. How many of these necessary compounds exist?

    Answer: Nine

  143. Written around 300 BC, "The Elements" is a famous treatise on geometry by what legendary ancient Greek mathematician?

    Answer: Euclid

  144. Stat 101: what is the term in statistics for the number of standard deviations by which the value of a raw score is above or below the mean value of the measured data? These can be positive or negative and are often used as a step in determining statistical significance.

    Answer: Z-score

  145. Who is the only woman in history to win an unshared Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine? She received the award in 1983 for the discovery of mobile genetic elements.

    Answer: Barbara McClintock

  146. In chemistry, what E-word means two molecules whose atomic arrangements are mirror images of each other, and that cannot be superimposed on each other just by turning them in space?

    Answer: Enantiomers

  147. One of the most common and least-costly practical applications of solar power is through a solar cooker. In particular, the p______ solar cookers which concentrate sunlight to a single point and require no fuel or operating costs. What geometric word fills in the blank in the preceding sentence?

    Answer: Parabolic

  148. An ancient algorithm for finding prime numbers is known as the _____ of Eratosthenes, where the blank is filled with what kind of tool you might find in your kitchen?

    Answer: Sieve

  149. Trepanging is the harvesting of what elongated, leathery Pacific creature you probably don't want in your gyro?

    Answer: Sea cucumber

  150. What “A” science refers to the scientific approach to crop production?

    Answer: Agronomy

  151. On July 5, the Earth will be the farthest from the Sun that it will be for all of 2022—that’s 94,510,886 miles, to be exact. What astronomy term is used to describe this phenomenon?

    Answer: Aphelion

  152. In what decade did scientists observe seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges and start accepting the earlier proposed theory that Earth’s lithosphere is separated into tectonic plates?

    Answer: 1960s

  153. If you just drooled after smelling cold cream, your saliva was activated by what part of your brainstem with what P-word name from the Latin for "bridge"?

    Answer: Pons

  154. The Italian method, the Chinese method, gelosia multiplication, and shabakh are all alternate names for what popular method of multiplication to multiply multiple multiple-digit numbers?

    Answer: Lattice multiplication

  155. Which synthetic chemical element with the symbol Sg was the first chemical element to be named after a person alive at the time?

    Answer: Seaborgium

  156. What kind of "motion," the random movement of particles in a liquid or gas, is named for a Scottish botanist?

    Answer: Brownian Motion

  157. The Sieve of Erastothenes is an ancient algorithm used to find what?

    Answer: Prime Numbers

  158. What “P” organic compound is represented by the chemical formula “C 5H 5N”? It is highly flammable, so it makes sense that it’s prefix is from the Greek for “fire.”

    Answer: Pyridine

  159. What "effect"--by which a rotating object experiences a force perpendicular to the direction of motion--is the reason toilets flush clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern hemisphere?

    Answer: Coriolis Effect

  160. What “A” bacterium uses horizontal gene transfer to cause plant tumors? Its name is reminiscent of a prefix used to refer to plant production.

    Answer: Agrobacterium

  161. Formed of leaflike parts called sepals, what five-letter word means the bottom part of a flower, which provides support for the petals?

    Answer: Calyx

  162. The solstice is defined as the start of summer because it is the date when the Earth gets the most exposure to the Sun’s rays. What “i” term is a technical measurement of this exposure?

    Answer: Insolation

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Where can you find nerdy trivia questions?

You can find nerdy trivia questions online, in books, or even on TV game shows.

For a comprehensive list of questions suitable for any tech-savvy individual, check out Water Cooler Trivia's selection of fun yet challenging trivia quizzes.

How can you create a nerdy trivia quiz?

Creating a nerdy trivia quiz is easy with Water Cooler Trivia.

All you need to do is sign up for our four-week free trial.

After signing up, you can choose from our wide variety of trivia questions.

The whole process is super straightforward and hassle-free.

Get started with a free four-week trial today!

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Is there an error in one of our questions?

We do everything we can to ensure that Water Cooler Trivia's questions are appropriate, relevant, and accurate. Our database has tens of thousands of questions, so we don't always get it right. If you see a question that needs editing, we would love if you let us know here or email [email protected].

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