Submit Your Quizzes to Water Cooler Trivia

Water Cooler Trivia looks for intelligent, timely, entertaining, and well-crafted quizzes that appeal to the broad range of our players. Earn up to $150 per quiz.

Quiz Submission Guidelines

A Water Cooler Trivia quiz will be a collaboration between you and our staff of editors, who will seek to preserve your voice while making the quiz as enjoyable as possible for our players. This page of guidelines is a living document and reflects our current best practices on quiz creation.

A summary of what we look for:
  • Clever, well-executed quiz themes that reflect the target date for the quiz’s release
  • Original, thoughtfully crafted questions, pitched at the quiz’s intended difficulty level, including a variety of cultural reference points
  • Quizzes consisting of ten questions + a tiebreaker
  • Perfect scores very possible for those who know the material, and no lower than 6/10 expected correct answers for average players

Submission Guidelines


All of our games are released on a specific day / week. We work very diligently to match game content with the calendar. You do not have to have a date in mind when you submit your game to us, but games without a specific tie to the calendar are much less likely to be accepted.

Examples of occasions that make for good games include: holidays, major recurring events, major one-time events, anniversaries, releases, calendar changes, societal celebrations.

We look for clever “takes” on themes. We’re not usually interested in straightforward questions about a topic, rather how that topic can be a launching point for a different way to celebrate the occasion.

Our most recent quiz can be found here. But here are some examples of this in practice:
  1. Mean Girl Musical Movie Released: Other films based on musicals based on films
  2. Groundhog Day: Famous rodents other than Punxsutawney Phil
  3. NFL Opening Weekend: Non-football quiz where all the answers are the names of NFL teams
  4. Week before Christmas: All the answers had the letters “ELF” hidden in them and the last question asked players to provide this fact
  5. Amazon Prime Day: All the answers to the quiz contained prime numbers
  6. Presidential Debate: Famous debates like whether a hot dog is a sandwich
We’ll reiterate that we strongly prefer creativity over polish. We can help massage the questions into a complete form, but the idea is what we really need your help generating.

In general our editorial calendar is a few months out, so themes focused on events in the near future are less likely to be accepted.


All of our quizzes begin with a title as well as an introduction to the material.

We look for introductions that are cleverly and clearly titled as well as demonstrate the connection between the reason for the game and the questions that will follow.

If there are specific instructions as to why certain questions are phrased a specific way or what the possible answers could be, that will need to be explained very clearly.


Questions should be concise and approachable for a high-school educated audience. 95%+ of our questions are free response, but we will accept multiple choice questions here and there where appropriate.

We expect about half the questions to be answered correctly by almost everyone who takes the quiz. The other half of the questions can range in difficulty, however, we are not trying to make people miss. We want people to feel accomplished when they get a high score, but we don’t want it to be achievable for most.

One of the most common reasons that submitters’ quizzes don’t get accepted is that they are too difficult. We can always make quizzes harder, but it’s much more labor intensive to make them easier. Please err on the side of easy.

Please note that we do not count misspellings against our players, so please do not submit quizzes that require specific spelling of answers.


Each game concludes with a tiebreaker, where the answer numeric is played as “closest to the pin” as opposed to “price is right” rules.

We expect the tiebreaker to be esoteric enough that it would be extremely unlikely that any individual player would get the answer exactly correct.

The tiebreaker should fit within the theme of the game, however, we hold their quality to a lower standard than the rest of the questions.

Technical Specs

Basic Rules

For each quiz you submit, you will need to submit a title, the most likely date for the game’s release, an introduction, at least ten main questions, correct answers, answer citations, and a tiebreaker.

For every question, you should provide us with as many of these input fields as possible. The more you provide to us, the higher the likelihood that your submission will be accepted or passed back for editing.

Question text

All of our questions are simple HTML strings. We do support some special characters, but not very many.

Canonical Answer

This is the answer that will be displayed as the correct answer when players finish the game. It should be the “most right” answer.

Other Possible Answers

In many cases, there will be more than one version of an acceptable answer.

If the correct answer, for example, is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then there will be many, many possible correct answers: FDR, Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, etc.

While we hope that you can help us with the other possible answers, it’s much more important when a question’s possible correct answers are very different. For example, if the correct answer to the question is “Firefly,” you’ll want to let us know that “Lightning Bug” and “Glowworm” are possible correct answers as well.

Answer Citation

We try to include a link to a webpage where the players can check the veracity of the answer should they choose. Please cite your sources for us if the question is even close to being something not everyone would know.

There are some rare examples where citations are not required, but you should do everything you can to include them when possible.

Question Count

All of our quizzes are ten main questions plus a tiebreaker. We STRONGLY encourage you to submit more than ten questions if your theme/rules allow for it, as our editors will have opinions about which questions will work best for our players.


Water Cooler Trivia quizzes must never have been published anywhere before, either in print or electronically. Water Cooler Trivia buys all rights, including first rights.

You are allowed to have used these questions with your friends, family, or community not in exchange for compensation prior to submitting the quizzes to Water Cooler.


Payment varies based on the number of puzzles you’ve had accepted by Water Cooler Trivia.

Accepted 1-5: $100/accepted game

Accepted 5+: $150/accepted game

Quiz Template

We've created a submission template, which can be found here. We strongly recommend submitting your quiz in this format as it increases your chances of being accepted, however, we will accept quizzes in other formats.

If you desire to submit multiple quizzes, we strongly prefer that you create individual submissions for each quiz.

Quiz Submission Form

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