Basic Rules
For each quiz you submit, you will need to submit a title, the most likely date for the game’s release, an introduction, at least ten main questions, correct answers, answer citations, and a tiebreaker.
For every question, you should provide us with as many of these input fields as possible. The more you provide to us, the higher the likelihood that your submission will be accepted or passed back for editing.
Question text
All of our questions are simple HTML strings. We do support some special characters, but not very many.
Canonical Answer
This is the answer that will be displayed as the correct answer when players finish the game. It should be the “most right” answer.
Other Possible Answers
In many cases, there will be more than one version of an acceptable answer.
If the correct answer, for example, is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then there will be many, many possible correct answers: FDR, Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, etc.
While we hope that you can help us with the other possible answers, it’s much more important when a question’s possible correct answers are very different. For example, if the correct answer to the question is “Firefly,” you’ll want to let us know that “Lightning Bug” and “Glowworm” are possible correct answers as well.
Answer Citation
We try to include a link to a webpage where the players can check the veracity of the answer should they choose. Please cite your sources for us if the question is even close to being something not everyone would know.
There are some rare examples where citations are not required, but you should do everything you can to include them when possible.
Question Count
All of our quizzes are ten main questions plus a tiebreaker. We STRONGLY encourage you to submit more than ten questions if your theme/rules allow for it, as our editors will have opinions about which questions will work best for our players.
Water Cooler Trivia quizzes must never have been published anywhere before, either in print or electronically. Water Cooler Trivia buys all rights, including first rights.
You are allowed to have used these questions with your friends, family, or community not in exchange for compensation prior to submitting the quizzes to Water Cooler.
Payment varies based on the number of puzzles you’ve had accepted by Water Cooler Trivia.
Accepted 1-5: $100/accepted game
Accepted 5+: $150/accepted game
Quiz Template
We've created a submission template, which can be found
here. We strongly recommend submitting your quiz in this format as it increases your chances of being accepted, however, we will accept quizzes in other formats.
If you desire to submit multiple quizzes, we strongly prefer that you create individual submissions for each quiz.