Want to keep track of whose been crushing weekly trivia? Planning to reward the winners? Check out your group’s leaderboard to see whose the trivia champ!
[You can access this when in the app by clicking on the star icon on the left hand side]
This is where you can find out all sorts of information about who has been crushing it at trivia! This is what you will see:
The Leaderboard will include information about:
→ Who has placed in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and how many times
→ How many Victory Points those players have
-Victory Points are based on how many times each player has scored in the top 3
-They are scored like this:
1st Place: 3 points 2nd Place: 2 points 3rd Place: 1 point
→ Total number of correct answers
Our leaderboard automatically resets every quarter, but that doesn’t mean you lose access to past quarter’s data! To see the results from a different time period, click on the gray box next to the clock icon on your leaderboard:
There will be a drop down menu of options to choose from:
You can see the top winners from the last 4 weeks, the last quarter, the current quarter, last year, this year, all time, or choose any time period you’d like!
On the dropdown menu, click “Custom” and a calendar will pop up. You select the date range when you want to see results from, and our leaderboard will calculate top scorers for just that period of time!