Loved by thousands of TEAMS of all types and sizes

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How it works

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Quizzes come weekly

Hand-written by trivia pros
Submit based on your team’s schedule
Guessing and misspelling is A-OK
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Results spark conversations

How did Rishab know that?
What makes the HR Team so brainy?
What did Aditya write that made the graders chuckle?
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Customize for your team

Choose when the quiz comes
And how long it's open for responses
Options to customize for your team
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Trivia brings people together

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“My team's been using Water Cooler Trivia for more than two years now. While we were in the office, it was really fun to discuss the results each week and celebrate the winners. Now that we are all remote, the fact that the quiz results still give us something to talk about each week over Slack that isn't work-related is super appreciated.”

Joshua, Data Scientist, New York City
Grab bag brain
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"Trivia has been a great little highlight to the week! I enjoy the quiz each week, quickly followed by the realization of how little trivia I know. I love learning my coworkers' quantities of useless knowledge!"

Ned, Product Manager, Colorado
Scientist brain

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Decorative starburst
per user per month
Decorative starburst

More details on pricing→

You have questions. 
We have answers.

What’s the lead-time for getting set up?

You can start your free trial with just a few clicks. It takes under 60 seconds (we timed it) on our signup page. We think all software should be crazy easy to use and get started.

What if I'm bad at trivia?

No worries, you probably have more important talents. We award emoji superlatives for answers that make us laugh. And only the winner’s responses are shared, because we hate trivia shaming.

What if people cheat?

Risking their reputation in the workplace for a prize-less trivia contest? Yikes. The internet could help but we basically never see people cheating, and when it happens, it’s quickly self-policed.

More questions? Head this way →

pair of brains